Asisst.prof. Mia Janković Shentser
(univ. spec. art. therap.)
+385 91 5602 422
+972 55 66 48 095
Studio: Zagreb (Croatia) and Jerusalem (Israel)
Online sessions: available
Language: Croatian, English, Hebrew
Mia Janković Shentser is one of the founders and President the of the Croatian Art Therapy Association HART. She holds an MA in sculpture and art education at Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb, 2001 (MAEd). She also specialized Art Therapy as a part of the specialistic postmaster studies (Creative Arts Therapies) at the University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, 2018. She is an artist, art educator, art therapist, supervisor, and lecturer in the Art Therapy Program of Osijek Academy of Art and Culture.
She completed her education as a supervisor at the Institute for Group Analysis in Zagreb; Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory with Steven Porges (6 CE); Polyvagal Informed Therapy Master Class with Steven Porges and Deb Dana (5 CE); the Sensorimotor psychotherapy approach to treating PTSD with Pat Ogden, NICABM (7 CE); the Neurobiology of Attachment, NICABM (3 CE). She studies the art therapeutic approach to trauma treatment, the Instinctual Trauma Response (11.5 CE); Collective Trauma Healing in expressive art therapies (15 CE); completed the Advanced Master Class in Treatment of Trauma, NICABM (12CE); Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing Trauma Master Class (8.25CE); Research and Statistics by Capetown University (Coursera); Resilience in Crisis (University Ben Gurion, Israel); Fundamentals of Neuroscience (HardvardX) and Human Neuroanatomy (University of Michigan).
She works with persons willing to grow, striving to function better in any area of their lives. She has experience in working with persons suffering from trauma, eating disorders, and mental illness, with Holocaust survivors, the elderly, persons on the autistic spectrum, and a wide population of not previously diagnosed persons.
Her therapeutic direction is integrative with a humanistic, client-oriented approach, trauma-informed in ITR, Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor, and Polyvagal practice, with a deep understanding of mind and body balance.
Her articles and research in the area of art therapy have been published in Artos, a journal for science and art; Socijalne teme, the journal for social sciences; and Transfer, the journal for art therapy. She is the editor of the Creative Therapies rubric of Artos, the journal for science and culture of Osijek Academy of Art and Culture, and editor-in-chief of the Croatian art therapy journal Transfer.
She presented on art therapy at George Washington University, Art Therapy program, Washington, D.C., at the 49th AATA Conference in Miami; 9th KoHOM Conference "All the colors of stress" in Šibenik, Croatia; CEPAMET Congress: "Depression in the Century of Mind" in Zagreb, Croatia; Ukraine XX International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference: The art of restoration of mental health in wartime, online; EFAT "Growing together" conference in Riga, Latvia.
Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)
European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT)
Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU)
Croatian Freelance Artists Association (HZSU)

Asisst.prof. Mia Janković Shentser
(univ. spec. art. therap.)
+385 91 5602 422
+972 55 66 48 095
Studio: Zagreb (Croatia) and Jerusalem (Israel)
Online sesije: da
Jezik: hrvatski, engleski, hebrejski
Mia Janković Shentser je jedna od osnivačica i predsjednica Hrvatskog udruženja art terapeuta HART. Završila je magisterij iz kiparstva i likovnog odgoja na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2001. godine (univ. mag. art.). Također je specijalizirala art terapiju kao dio specijalističkog poslijediplomskog studija (Kreativne terapije) na Sveučilištu J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku 2018. godine. Umjetnica je, likovna pedagoginja, art terapeutkinja, supervizorica i predavačica na programu Art terapije na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Osijeku.
Pohađala je edukaciju za supervizoricu na Institutu za grupnu analizu u Zagrebu; kliničke primjene teorije polivagalnog živca sa Stevenom Porgesom (6 CE), te majstorsku radionicu Polivagal-informirane terapije s Stevenom Porgesom i Deb Danom (5 CE); pristup senzorimotorne psihoterapije u liječenju PTSP-a s Pat Ogden, NICABM (7 CE), neurobiologija privrženosti, NICABM (3 CE). Educirala se je dodatno na temu art terapijskog pristupa liječenju traume, instinktivnog odgovora na traumu (11,5 CE), te kolektivnog liječenja traume u exspresivnim terapijama (15 CE), završila je Naprednu majstorsku radionicu u liječenju traume, NICABM (12CE); Peter Levine-ovu majstorsku radionicu somatskog doživljavanja traume (8.25CE); Istraživanje i statistika na sveučilištu Capetown (Coursera), Otpornost u krizi (Sveučilište Ben Gurion, Izrael), Osnove neuroznanosti (HardvardX) i Ljudska neuroanatomija (Sveučilište u Michiganu).
Radi s osobama koje žele rasti, težeći boljoj funkcionalnosti u bilo kojem području svog života. Ima iskustva u radu s osobama koje pate od traume, poremećaja prehrane i mentalnih bolesti, s preživjelima holokausta, starijim osobama, osobama s autističnim spektrom i širokom populacijom osoba koje prethodno nisu bile dijagnosticirane.
Njezin terapijski pristup je integrativan s humanističkim, klijent-orientiranim pristupom, informiran za traumu (ITR), somatskim doživljavanjem, senzorimotornom i polivagalnom praksom, s dubokim razumijevanjem ravnoteže uma i tijela.
Njezini članci i istraživanja u području art terapije objavljeni su u časopisima Artos, časopis za znanost i umjetnost; Socijalne teme, časopis za društvene znanosti; i Transfer, časopis za art terapiju. Ona je urednica rubrike Kreativne terapije u časopisu Artos, časopisu za znanost i kulturu Umjetničke akademije u Osijeku, te glavna urednica hrvatskog časopisa za art terapiju Transfer.
Predstavljala je art terapiju na Sveučilištu George Washington, programu art terapije, Washington, D.C., na 49. konferenciji AATA u Miamiju; 9. KoHOM konferenciji "Svi tonovi stresa" u Šibeniku, Hrvatska; Kongresu CEPAMET: "Depresija u stoljeću uma" u Zagrebu, Hrvatska; Ukrajinskog XX Međunarodnog interdisciplinarnog znanstveno-praktičnog kongresa: Umjetnost obnavljanja mentalnog zdravlja u ratno doba, online; EFAT konferenciji "Rastemo zajedno" u Rigi, Latvija.
Hrvatska udruga art terapeuta (HART)
Europska federacija art terapeuta (EFAT)
Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika (HDLU)
Hrvatsko udruženje samostalnih umjetnika (HZSU)