The only education for Art Therapy in Croatia and the region is organized to the highest professional standards by The Academy of Art and Culture in Osijek in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, the Clinical Hospital Osijek and the Psychiatric hospital Sv. John in Jankomir, Zagreb.
This unique postmaster specialist study program (120 ECTS) has four specializations: Art Therapy, Movement and Dance Therapy, Music Therapy, and Drama Therapy. In every program, participants are educated to, in addition to their specialization in a specific field of art, also incorporate elements from other areas of art into therapy. The study program is grounded in the theory of the creative process, principles of major psychotherapeutic approaches, humanistic and developmental psychology principles, and findings from neuroscientific research.
Throughout the study, students are trained to work with various populations of children, adolescents, and adults within clinical practice under supervision. This includes working with children and adolescents with behavioral disorders, special needs, or psychological issues; working with members of dysfunctional families; working with individuals with various diagnostic categories of mental and/or primarily physical illnesses requiring psychosocial support (PTSD, addiction, oncological or other chronic illnesses, trauma, etc.); working with the elderly population; and other specific populations.
According to the Croatian Qualifications Framework (HKO), the postmaster specialist study program education level is 7.2, that corresponds to level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), and also to level 2 of the Qualifications Frameworks in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA).
Note: the above provides an overview of information on education for art therapists. For details and current information regarding the organization of education, legal matters, and other questions, please check directly with the organizer of the educational program (The Academy of Art and Culture in Osijek).