Jasmina Ferček, MSc
MA in Arts Therapy
Studio: Ljubljana
Language: Slovenian, Croatian, English
Jasmina Ferček is an art therapist, who completed the postgraduate program (120 ECTS) for Master's in Arts Therapy (MA in Arts Therapy) at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Prior to that, she studied Textile and Fashion Design at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, and obtained her Master of Science degree (MSc).
She researches the impact of textile arts and crafts on women's wellbeing. In her participatory and socially engaged artistic practice, as a part of the Oloop collective, she utilizes textiles as a medium for wellbeing and health. Through projects, exhibitions, and writing, Jasmina raises awareness of the importance of creating with textiles and its impact on individuals, communities, and society. Since 2012, she has primarily worked with migrant women.
After completing the exhibition "I am not alone," which toured both domestically and internationally, she wrote an exhibition review in 2022 entitled "Embroidering Self-Portraits of Vulnerable Immigrant Women." The exhibition featured hand-embroidered self-portraits of immigrant women, and the article explained the importance of textile work for women's psychological and social well-being.
Together with Zala Orel (director of Textile Art Biennial, Kranj), she curated a round table 'Empowering Textile Communities and Their Social Impact' in 2023. Later, they co-authored a manual 'Textile communities as spaces of power,' exploring the social impacts of textile communities and group crafting, published at the Textile Art Biennial (BIEN 23). Jasmina presented a research poster on the same topic at the International Conference on Art and Health at the museum MAAT Lisbon, Portugal.
She is also the writer of the book 'The Power of Textiles,' a colorful guide inviting readers to discover the potential of their hands and recognize the energizing effects of creating with textile materials (2022).
In 2019, she completed the Training of Exploratory Conversation course organized by the Društvo za razvijanje čuječnosti in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She continues to advance her expertise in the field of nature-based art therapy and participates in the Nature-Based Expressive Arts seminar program offered by the Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute.
For 20 years, she has been a member of the Oloop Design collective, collaborating with two other textile artists. She has received numerous prestigious awards for the group work: Alpine Pluralism Award, Red Dot Concept Award, several awards from the Designers Society of Slovenia, award at Zagreb Design Week, etc.. Recently, she organized and curated the group textile exhibition 'Product as Change' and participated in it with the project 'Textile dolls as a bridge between the inner and outer world of Craftswoman' at Galerija DLUL in Ljubljana in 2024.
Jasmina leads individual art-based self-exploration sessions, mainly for women. She is the secretary of the Slovenian Association of Arts Therapists (SZUT).
Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)
Slovenian Association of Arts Therapists (SZUT)
European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT)
mag. Jasmina Ferček
mag. pom. z umetn.
Studio: Ljubljana
Jezik: slovenski, hrvatski, engleski
Jasmina Ferček je završila poslijediplomski studij za art terapiju i stekla titulu magistre (mag. pom. z umetn.) na Fakultetu za obrazovanje, Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Slovenija (120 ECTS). Prije toga, studirala je Tekstilni i modni dizajn na Fakultetu za naravoslovje in inženirstvo, Sveučilište u Ljubljani, gdje je stekla titulu magistre znanosti (MSc).
Jasmina istražuje utjecaj tekstilne umjetnosti i zanata na dobrobit žena. U svojoj angažiranoj i društveno aktivnoj umjetničkoj praksi, kao dio kolektiva Oloop, koristi tekstil kao medij za dobrobit i zdravlje. Kroz projekte, izložbe i pisanje, Jasmina podiže svijest o važnosti stvaranja s tekstilom i utjecaju tekstila na pojedince, zajednice i društvo. Od 2012. godine, usmjerena je na rad s migrantkinjama.
Nakon završetka putujuće izložbe "Nisam sama", koja je obišla domaću i međunarodnu scenu, napisala je osvrt na izložbu 2022. pod nazivom "Vezenje autoportreta ranjivih imigrantkinja". Izložba je predstavljala ručno vezenje autoportreta imigrantkinja a članak je objasnio važnost tekstilnog rada za psihičko i socijalno blagostanje žena.
Jasmina je bila kustos, zajedno sa Zalom Orel (direktorica Bijenala tekstilne umjetnosti, Kranj), okruglog stola 'Osnaživanje kroz tekstilne zajednice i njihov društveni značaj' u 2023. Nakon toga su napisale i priručnik 'Tekstilne zajednice kao prostori moći', istražujući društvene utjecaje tekstilnih zajednica i grupnog stvaranja, koji je objavljen na Bijenalu tekstilne umjetnosti (BIEN 23). Jasmina je predstavila istraživački poster na istu temu na međunarodnoj Konferenciji o umjetnosti i zdravlju u muzeju MAAT u Lisabonu, Portugal.
Jasmina je također napisala i knjigu 'Moć tekstila', koja kao šareni vodič poziva čitatelje na otkrivanje potencijala svojih ruku i prepoznavanje osvježavajućih učinaka stvaranja s tekstilnim materijalima (2022).
Završila je tečaj "Training of Exploratory Conversation" u organizaciji Društva za razvijanje čovječnosti u Ljubljani, Slovenija (2019). Jasmina nastavlja usavršavati stručno znanje u prirodi utemeljene art terapije te sudjeluje u programu seminara Nature-Based Expressive Arts koje nudi Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute.
Članica je tekstilnog kolektiva Oloop već 20 godina u kojem djeluje s još dvije tekstilne umjetnice. Primila je brojne prestižne nagrade za grupni rad: Alpine Pluralism Award, Red Dot Concept Award, nekoliko nagrada Društva dizajnera Slovenije, nagrada Zagreb Design Week-a, etc. Nedavno je organizirala i bila kustos grupne izložbe tekstila 'Proizvod kao promjena' te sudjelovala i s vlastitim projektom 'Tekstilne lutke kao most između unutarnjeg i vanjskog svijeta obrtnice' u Galeriji DLUL u Ljubljani 2024.
Jasmina vodi individualne sesije art terapije i to pretežno za žene. Tajnica je Slovenske udruge kreativnih terapeuta (SZUT).
Slovenska udruga kreativnih terapeuta (SZUT)
Europska federacija art terapije (EFAT)