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Engaging with literature on Art and Art Therapy opens a gateway to self-discovery, as the vivid pages of these books become brushstrokes of insight, coloring the canvas of our understanding and fostering a profound connection between creativity and personal growth.


Art and Wellbeing

The book of our member, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Art Jelena Kovačević, titled 'Art and Well-being; Visual Creativity in the Service of Mental Health,' was published by the Faculty of Education in Osijek. Find out from Jelena's Christmas surprise how art is connected to the quality of our lives  and wellbeing (December 2023).



The Power of Textiles

Jasmina Ferček wrote colorful book 'The Power of Textiles' (2022), which invites readers to discover the potential of their hands and the beneficial effects of creating with textile materials. This guide explores the connection between women, textiles, and well-being. It features testimonials from women artisans sharing the importance of textiles in their lives, along with instructions and inspiring photographs for various projects and products.  The content is crafted for both individual work and group creative encounters.


The book received recognition from the Designers Society of Slovenia in 2023.



Creative Mind

Prof. prim. dr. sc. Dunja Degmečić, dr. med. published the book "Creative Mind" that is conceptually structured to integrate theoretical and practical insights into creativity, providing an excellent overview of the knowledge in its formation, as well as in contemporary interpretations (2017).

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